2017 in Birmingham Magic So Far

This has been a busy year so far (and I haven't updated in a while so here's why).
In February of this year I was awarded "Birmingham Magician of the Year" for 2016 from the International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 35, an unprecedented third time win for any magician in the Birmingham area. It was a great honor for me to get this award and I appreciate my fellow magicians for letting me be a part of the amazing Magic City Magic Club (IBM Ring 35). If you ever want to learn some magic, or just watch an awesome magic show with the family, join us at the Homewood Public Library the first Tuesday night of every month in room 101 downstairs at 6:30pm. The guys bring their best magic every month and you are sure to be entertained!

In March, I headed back to the Winter Carnival of Magic in Pigeon Forge, where I was able to perform in the close-up competition and debut a brand-new set of effects that will be in my new show for 2017. At one point in the show, I snatched a signed card from the deck while it was secured in an animal trap. I had to pull the card out before the trap closed on my fingers and that's not a trick...it's a matter of "get it right or get hurt!".
Fortunately, I got it right.
In a little over a week I will be fulfilling a long-time dream to become a Tedx Birmingham speaker. The time spent crafting the speech has been grueling at times but worth it. I am the first magician ever to speak at a Tedx Birmingham event, and I hope the folks enjoy this magic-infused talk!

The preparation time for Tedx Birmingham has pretty much filled my time but I can honestly say this will be the most polished presentation I have ever put together. The Tedx Birmingham team is incredibly professional in every way and they are serious about putting out the best program possible. Some Tedx events in other cities are pretty loosely done (and you can tell as you watch them), but Birmingham has one of the best out there.
The theme for Tedx Birmingham 2017 is "Possibility". I think it fits perfectly into what I'll be talking about. If you didn't get a ticket, you can livestream the event and watch it online!