Speaking with Magic

I am a motivational speaker. I am also a magician. When you combine the two, it creates something that definitely holds your audience's attention.
I have been called to speak when a company was experiencing some hard times ahead and just wanted to encourage their employees and send them away from the conference on a high note. I have been called to speak on particular topics that have been presented in a company before, but needed to be presented in a fresh way.
The fact is that there are literally hundreds of motivational speakers out there who can present information to your company. Some use humor, others use emotionalism to pump folks up. Some are former coaches ready to get your team ready to go. Some are just really good speakers who hit upon a topic they are good at.
I use magic, humor, and factual information to get the message across, because people remember what they see, hear and experience much more than just what they hear. People from the audience are brought into the speech to participate and turn it into an active learning experience rather than just someone talking to them.
I have several programs already available and ready to go if you don't have a topic in mind, but if you do have a particular subject you'd like for the speech I will create a custom experience just for your company.
Whatever message you want to get across to your employees or co-workers, we can work together to make sure it is something they remember and are excited about!
Think about it: What's the coolest magic trick you've ever seen? I'll bet one (or more) popped into your head quickly. Now think about the last long meeting you were in and come up with three points form that meeting. Having trouble remembering anything specific from that gathering? Now imagine how frustrating it can be when you have something really important to say to your folks but know they won't remember it next week.
So go to your folks and say, "We can have a guy give you an hour long speech, or we can have an award-winning comedy magician come in to talk to you and put on a show", and see which one they would rather see. Here's a hint for you: magic is cool, magic is fun, and magic is memorable.
Give me a chance to work with you to make your next meeting exciting!